What is a fencing class like?


Group instruction to learn the ins and outs of fencing. Classes are typically comprised of four parts:

WARM UP, either a game or a set of dynamic exercises, to develop athleticism, prevent injury, and prepare our bodies for work.

FOOTWORK, where the students practice their ability to control the distance between themselves and their opponents. Footwork practice emphasizes coordination and balance, and is essential for beginners and Olympians alike.

BLADEWORK, where the students put on their protective equipment and practice with the blades. Students work with partners to create either cooperative situations, where they help each other practice specific offensive or defensive techniques, or competitive situations, where they practice those same skills against resisting opponents.

BOUTING, where students apply what they’ve learned in the class by free-fencing with their fellow classmates.

At the end, we close class with a group salute, a traditional way to express our gratitude for our partners, coaches, and parents.

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